[Moved to Bug by Mod] Make it so the soccer template wont have the same slug as the original game

I cant make a NBA game with soccer template because the the two original and template has the same slug.

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It worked fine for me. Can you try again? Also, let me know your username and the name of your soccer fork so I can locate it on your account.

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my real user name is ModdMCcoins, i will change my name in march btw, my soccer fork name is gonna be called Basketball.io, just dont click the blue words.

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it wont let me create a new fork ;-;

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@QiNG-agar, also tell this to cristi123 also hes my friend

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Is there any error popping up when you try to fork? It doesn’t look like you have any games named Basketball.io. Will refer a modd dev to your issue.

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okie dokie :ok_hand:, tell me if cristi123 is online so he can help me

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i also have 8 games btw, im adding 1 more soon

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