[Moved to General Discussion] How to get every badge in this forum

Bring in on, Just state this and we will make a deal!

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Hmm? Just in my brain? Okay, let me pull the topics that you’ve created the drama.

The drama between you and toho:

The drama between you and bruh9000:

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And… you’re using your alt to defend yourself… again.

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You sure have to learn what momentum you have

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Show me… show me your “powers” cause it doesn’t do jack sh!t to me to be honest. We’re just communicating each other online. The f!ck does that gonna do in real life?

And you actually did it. You’re actually trying to get me suspended by saying inappropriate words, right? You’re playing “cool.”

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(off-topic, deleted)

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? What does that do anything in this discussion? It’s not even relevant to the Topic that we’re talking about.

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Your swearing every time, End this before it is too late

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Basically this is off-topic

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Nah. You have zero influence, @_580k. Contact the @moderators to report me, it’s just that easy.

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And you deleted that, lmao. The IMAGE that I’m talking about.

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Alright, we are going to make some advice to you,
Don’t deal with s1cK or moderators would watch us

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Why are you talking to yourself? That’s just plain stupid.

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I don’t have actually, Just give up making posts and make forums a safe place

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Nah this forum ain’t safe. We’re like a “bug” that needs to be “fixed” because of our drama.

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Alright, i have to make deals for you

Please just end this conversation of moderators would watch us, or just give up making stuff that are something.

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This bug, won’t even get fixed, mostly because you were trying to make here. You will insist to know that i couldn’t.

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No, I won’t, I don’t care if the Moderators would watch over us. What does that to do with anything? Are you afraid of them? Oi, c’mon, at least have some confidence.

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Can we just stop this conversation?

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Just contact the moderators to close this topic down. It’s that easy.

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