My Game Cannot Load

I Was Creating My Game Called “Simon Says GG”, Until When I Was Testing The Game The Server Didn’t Function, I Tried Republishing But Didn’t Work,


Did you try to check some errors? Press ctrl+shift+j

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It Said “Instant GIF OFF” On The Corner.


Try sending the screenshot and “Instant GIF OFF” to staff in discord or here. The admins will know that this glitch is happening

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Here Is The Image.
Screenshot 2023-05-04 004450

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Post must be at least 20 characters

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I recommend that you look into your map and tilesheet especially because the map is not shown in the title screen and I saw the errors when loading your game via the Developer Console (you can open it by pressing F12 if you’re using Google Chrome).

Plus, can you access your game via the old editor? If you can, please make sure that you don’t have an infinite loop in your “player joins game” and “initialize” scripts, as well as all “every second” and “every frame” scripts.

For more info, let’s look at this thread.

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I Can’t Find Anything To Fix This, Instead I’ll Take The SSGG Down.

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Try recreating your game from scratch

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Sadge, but it’s also an option if you’ve just started to create your SSGG.

I’ll Create It Tomorrow, I Have School.

I’ve had the same issue! I deleted the (little bit of a game) that I had and started over. I never did finish it.