Need A Zombie Tag Game!

Hello, I need a zombie tag game with ALOT of cool items and awesome admin powers!
PS. If you can make a map that would be nice but you don’t have to. :wink:

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i could help u my moddio account is RagDev____pi

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I added you we can talk in game

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My name in is <l

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ooooo i want to help sounds like a fun game to help make add me my username is eggoboid

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i made the tileset to the map already if u want u can make map @eggoboid

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hey john what is ur timezone???

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waaaaaaaaa what mean what my time zone

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what state u live in my timezone is US EST

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mine is none of you bees wax

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im in NY state also i dont know my time zone

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wait a minute if on beauty and the beast the “beauty” dated the beast doesnt that make the “beauty” a zoophile :nauseated_face: :face_vomiting:

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yes u have US EST timezone too so i get outta school at 4PM and i get home at like 4:25PM so let Fun kno when im home

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you disrespected our game meno

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LOL ITS FACTS THO u kno what happened to me when i copied the old lifting sim I GOT BURNED BY THE OWNER,USERS AND RANDOM PPL OUTSIDE

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i copied that game to use the scripts cuz i could fix my sell

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bruh LOL did u get baked on about it???

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no i did not ha ha ha

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that suprising did u publish it or did u just use some scripts from the game???

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