Hiya guys! I just wanted to tell you that we need a new chat command. The new command shall be /clear.
Summary of what it will do: Clear the chat.
Hiya guys! I just wanted to tell you that we need a new chat command. The new command shall be /clear.
Summary of what it will do: Clear the chat.
Do you mean a script? For example, when you say a certain word like “/clear chatMessage” and it will delete all the messages that you just sent and also including users who sent the messages into the chat.
I do not know how to script. Can you show me the script?
No, there’s no script for that.
Oh so what do I do then?
I’m talking like when you say a certain phrase, you’ll delete all the messages in the chat. Since it is not in the script right now.
Wait for the Administrators to approve your suggestion and maybe they will add that script.
In this case, we shall wait.