Oh Noes!

Stab.io 2 Got Ruined By A Developer Named “L3q_asgsdaf”! Can You Do Something To Him So He Wouldn’t Ruin The Game And 580k Got Banned In Modd.io!

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wait 580k got ban !?

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does that mean a my friend

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580k Got Banned Cuz Of L3q Hero Battle Spam!

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for how long he got ban

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I Don’t Know What Is His Ban Timer In Modd.io Platform

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short reason: constant harassment
never unbanned

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Oh Noes! That Wasn’t Supposed To Happen, He Didn’t Put Another Harassment Dialogue In His Game, L3q Was One Putting About Hero Battle!

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Hey Arthur! Just Reminding You Should Remove The Hero Battle Dialogues, Removing The Giant Arrow, And Re-Add The How To Play Dialogue, So Stab.io 2 Should Get Players Again!

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you dont understand wh…

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oh but that mean my friend is never gonna rejoin is account or is ip ban


Help! I Can Not Join Stab.io 2 Because Of Dialogue Error, See


Welp, i cannot join stab.io 3 because of Boxing simulator 2 allegations

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