Opened Jobs - Bloxy Interactive

Hello! Jobs are opened for Bloxy Interactive! We are a developing team. Message me or reply to apply. Just say what you are good at and what job you want. We will then message you back to say if you got it!

Opened Jobs

  • 1-2 Artist
    • Game Art Makers (Making characters, items, and tile sheets.)
  • 1 Programmer
    • Requirements:
      • Must be 13+.
      • Must have 3+ months of experience.
  • 1-2 Sound / Music Artists
    • Looking for 1-2 sound / music artist who are experienced.
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Sus IM not gonna make u contrubitor BUt i can publish one of my games!

Ik how to make and save script when its tier 1 but not gonna do it in ur game!

i could help with the art type thngs

Hello @KingDemonlordIV!
Sure! What type of art do you want to make? Characters? Items?

it really depends. what character models are you using, like circular or… and items i would love to do.

Okay! For a character, can you make a person who has barley any clothes. I am making a Rust type game and i want a character that looks like he has been in the wild.

ok but send me a pic of the base model for characters (the shape of the character) so i can use that as a base for the looks


thanks this will be very helpful

Background (15)

Love it! One last favor, do you think you can make some items like some weapons and a wooden wall and wooden door?

i can do the wall and door but i need to know what type of items


Assault Rifle

this is the wall and ok with the weapons.


i am gonna have to do the weapons tomorrow

Mk! Sounds good! Getting to 20 letters…

thats some amazing piskel skillz

ive been on moddio for like half or more a year and i make maps,music,units and scripts so i can help big time all u have to do is tell me what u want in the game and also im 14 and a half yrs old