Plan on making gamemodes for my game

I’m going to try and make gamemodes for my game. Let’s hope it works!

Well, I wish you good luck! I hope it’s actually a good game though-

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Good luck :))))))))))))


wsp, it’s my 2nd anniversary of being on moddio lol, W???


Hmm, here’s a list of useful gamemode ideas to you, if you want to add variations to a braains clone.


Now you’re a professional game designer. I’d like you to propose a good plan.


I’m going to try and make gamemodes for my game.
I’m using, an no-code open-sourced game-making platform where users can create online multiplayer games within an hour. I’m somewhat experienced in making games there, having made several tag games where players split into Zombies and Humans, and Zombies try to catch Humans within a given amount of time, and any remaining humans will win the game in the end, otherwise the Zombies win. Could you provide me with a nice plan for game modes in the online Zombie and Humans game? You should provide between 3 and 5 game modes.
You need to be creative but still consistent with the game modes.

Useful gamemodes
  1. Last Stand: In this game mode, the humans start off with limited resources and must fend off waves of zombies that become progressively more difficult. Humans can gather resources by scavenging the map or killing zombies, but must also use those resources wisely to build and upgrade their defenses. The game ends when either all humans are dead or they survive the final wave.
  2. Infected: This game mode is a twist on the traditional Zombie and Humans game. At the start of the game, one or two players are randomly selected to be the “infected” instead of zombies. The infected players can only use melee attacks, but any humans they kill will become infected as well. The game ends when either all humans are infected or all infected players have been killed.
  3. Capture the Flag: In this mode, the humans and zombies compete to capture the opposing team’s flag and bring it back to their own base. The twist is that the flag is actually a cure for the zombie virus. So, the humans are trying to capture the zombie flag to cure their infected friends, while the zombies are trying to capture the human flag to prevent the cure from being used against them. The game ends when one team successfully captures the other team’s flag and brings it back to their own base.
  4. Survival: In this mode, the humans are stranded in a post-apocalyptic world overrun by zombies, and must survive as long as possible. Resources are scarce and players must scavenge the map for supplies, including food, water, and medicine. However, zombies are everywhere, and players must also defend themselves against hordes of zombies that become progressively more difficult. The game ends when all humans have been killed.
  5. Hunted: In this mode, one player is selected to be the “hunted” and must survive for a set amount of time while being pursued by the other players, who are the “hunters”. The twist is that the hunted player is also a zombie, and can infect other players by killing them. The hunters must work together to take down the hunted player, but they must also be careful not to get infected themselves. The game ends when either the hunted player survives for the set amount of time or all hunters have been infected.

These are just a few ideas to get you started. Feel free to modify them or come up with your own ideas based on what you think would be fun and challenging for your players. Good luck with your game design!