Plz Help To Get Advanced Level

Plz Join In This And Get 5000
Views And 500 Uniques Players Plz


Please move this category to “General Discussion”. And, why are you desperate for (Tier 2) Advanced Tier? You’re just advertising your own game to let players join your game and get some player counts. Just wait patiently.

I’ll move this post to “General Discussion”.

Staff's read this

Is this okay to take down this post since it’s an advertisement? (S)he’s advertising his/her own game.


get 5k what? plays? but get rid of this you are advertising your game and i dont know if thats ok on this forum


Don’t be deesperate, anyways u need 10+ ccu as i saw the game is a fork, then u might need 10+ ccu and only if the art ain’t origial 5+ ccu if u got original art etc, Try finishing all the game and get more than 5+ players for getting t5, its better way to do it faster and easily + u should more this to “General Discussion” and for sponsoring ur game go to discord and #showcase/#off-topic. :face_in_clouds:


what does ccu mean?

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Players per hour, try going to Tier request its more faster and thing than forums requests etc.


As of Mar 8, 2023, there are mainly two ways to get the Advanced Tier.

A. Use tier-request channel in the official discord server of
B. Use automatic promotion

A. is the conventional way of you getting the Advanced Tier. You should write up an essay how your game deserves the Advanced Tier and post it in the #tier-request channel in the official discord server, as well as what is instructed in the request channel. You must create a new private thread and write your application there. The game you submitted will be judged by a moderator of, and if it is approved, you’ll be notified in the thread and your game will be promoted to the Advanced Tier.

You need to satisfy the following criteria for your game to get the Advanced Tier this way:

  1. CCU requirements
    CCU means the average number of players at the start of each hour while the game is published. You can see it in the Report section of your sandbox. For more details, look at my previous reply here (What's a ccu and how can i see my current ccu? - #4 by sken04942382). You need to get high CCU to meet the requirements. The CCU threshold will vary according to the elaboration of your game.
  • B-clone (a blatant copy of, such as just changing the map and items) or very similar to an existing game: 10 CCU for one day
  • Original concept but unoriginal arts: 5 CCU for one day
  • Original concept and arts: No requirements
  1. No inappropriations
    You will need to follow the rules if you want to promote your game in addition to the CCU requirements, such as no copyright infringements or no slurs, obscene or defamatory titles, covers, or in-game items, and so on.

  2. Mods may decline your offer at their own disposal with some reasons.
    In that case, you should ask them why and try to improve the points they said.

B. is the brand-new feature that was added on Mar 1, 2023. The feature is simple.

If your game has more than 5,000 total (cumulative) plays and more than 500 unique plays, you can upgrade it to the Advanced Tier, without having to undertake the tier request that I explained above.

The process will be done automatically by the system, so only you have to do is have the visitors play your game. Once it satisfies the requirements, you have to prepare a cover, game description, and gameplay instructions to upgrade your game.


My game called “” is about to be advanced tier!

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Now you can no longer apply for your tier from the discord server (Method A). The only paved way to get it is to meet the requirements for automatic promotion (Method B).

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hello this topic <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>:).