Secrets Data Section


In order to store private keys or other confidential information safety, let’s create “secret values” that is not included in the JSON file and only editable via the game editor.

Main Passage

As the developers know, the game data themselves are downloaded to the client, so players can see the game data, including variables, attributes, and everything. The method itself is problematic not only because it nullifies the privacy of non-public games but also we cannot effectively store confidential data in the game, such as private keys or external servers that the game accesses via post request commands.

That’s where the “Secrets Data Section” comes in. Seen in repl, it stores information outside the scripts, which will all be passed to the client, so they are not exposed by the clients. If it’s implemented, creators can implement authentication, electronic signature, and API collaboration, which are essential features for an advanced online game. Although targets the beginners, such advanced games will help attract newcomers by the fascinating gimmicks and keep skilled ones within the community, which will increase the number of apprentice creators in the long run.

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