2 Version 1.3 is Released! 2 Version 1.3 has just been released!
This is a major update and this game is about to be advanced tier!

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We have just added a lot of major stuff, which are very contributable to sheer items that people get.
There is a new boss named “Mice Cook”, also known as “The Sacred Mice Cook”, which is found bottom left on the P&G summon, but it is outside the walls the rat, The Mice Cook drops probably goods, It drops essences, and a random of good items to make you progressed.

In addition to the Mice Cook, there is also a new boss to access by teleporting, in its room, named “Scythebrine”, He’s a lost Herobrine brother, which he got to in couple of years after he got lost, When Scythebrine is defeated, he would release his 3 allies, which are different.

Keep in mind that to enter Mice Cook Garden, it requires you rebirth 10, while the Scythebrine is 25.

There is a new suite of items that some of them are rat-related, while others are abyss or other, You can discover them by just playing the game!