Summary of my Bugs List

1- people with negative coins can’t buy free skins.

2- Projectiles are invisible when i create entity at position
3- Game editor get broken if map size is too big
4- if you get log out it mean you need clear browser cache, history, images or use incognito mode.
5- When you type in chat sometimes keybind activate.
6- can’t delete skins
7- Client Side is bad
8- World Script count is broken
9- gravity unafected bug
10- unit change item bug (use item but no ammo) so use 2 items at same time
12 - there is two game with the same game slug Soccer so people cant use the template
13- Trading script broken


please demonstrate this issue with an example game

Never had this happen to me, in which game does it happen?

Can you describe what you’re doing to delete them? You can click edit, then delete.
We’re working on 7, 8 & 9. I just made a soccer template game so that also works. Trading is not currently supposed to be working.


the new editor

Nvm Map breaking is fixed in new editor, in old one too i made a mistake

It’s rare bug i have it again i will tell u how to reproduce it

oh i cant delete skin in old tier 2 games but it’s useless tier 2 is deprecated version