The Difference between Flagged Topic and Flagged Post

I notice that if your Topic gets flagged by a user and that user who flagged their Topic gets their approval by the Moderator. That Topic gets taken down, right? By roaming around the Forum a little bit. I notice this:

Link to that Topic: Dont play topic io

See the difference? You can still view that Topic because if it’s a Post, not a Topic. You can’t actually view that Post even if you go to their Profile and check their Activities. But since that right there is a Topic not a Post. You can still view them.

So, Moderators. I’m suggesting you guys should remove the Topic in the “Activity” area if their Topic gets flagged. Not your Post, flagging someone’s Post hides their Post and also their Activities that they Posted.

If you still don’t understand my statement and my wording make a Post here and I’ll reply to you back.


This is problem with @SusieFan33