The Maze. would anyone like to help?

i need:

-item creator: the items cant instakill or go through walls. (if you want to do this i need to zoom/ google meet wth you so i can futher specify)

-shop creator: i need the shop set up so the players lose the needed items. (if you want to do this i need to zoom/ google meet wth you so i can futher specify)

-script and effects creator(s):(if you want to do this i need to zoom/ google meet wth you so i can futher specify)

-unit creator:(if you want to do this i need to zoom/ google meet wth you so i can futher specify)

Hello! I would like to help. Can I do the item creator and shop creator! Instead of zooming or doing google meet, can you message me or message me on discord. username: CoreyPlaysYT
Discord: CoreyPlays#2683

sure but the zoom/meet is sound only so i can say what i need to say faster

ik im late asf but the maze sounds like a cool game so i would like to help