Want to make a basically VR thing with ur keyboard?

I have fixed this bookmarklet to calibrate with only mouse so you can use it with worry

javascript:(function () {
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Highlight all of this, and drag it to your bookmark bar


This is for a VR Headset if ur lame asf :skull_and_crossbones: lol jk but yeah

javascript: (function() {var tri = {menu: document.createElement("div"),limit: document.createElement("input"),gap: document.createElement("input"),sag: document.createElement("input"),fov: document.createElement("input"),flo: document.createElement("input"),off: document.createElement("input"),non: document.createElement("input"),end: document.createElement("input"),tgl: document.createElement("input"),cssStatic: document.createElement("style"),cssDynamic: document.createElement("style"),orientation: {"yaw": 0, "pitch": 0, "roll": 0},mouseMove: function(e) {tri.orientation.yaw = -Math.cos(Math.PI * e.clientX / innerWidth) * 180 * tri.limit.value;tri.orientation.pitch = Math.cos(Math.PI * e.clientY / innerHeight) * 180 * tri.limit.value;tri.updateBody();},gyroMove: function(e) {var landscape = innerWidth > innerHeight;if (landscape) {tri.orientation.yaw = -(e.alpha + e.beta);tri.orientation.pitch = e.gamma - Math.sign(90 - Math.abs(e.beta)) * 90;}else {tri.orientation.yaw = -(e.alpha + e.gamma);tri.orientation.pitch = e.beta - 90;}tri.updateBody();},updateOrigin: function(e) {document.body.style.transformOrigin = (innerWidth / 2 + pageXOffset) + "px " + (innerHeight / 2 + pageYOffset) + "px";},updateBody: function() {document.body.style.transform = "perspective(" + Math.pow(2, tri.fov.value) + "px) translateZ(-" + tri.gap.value + "px) rotateX(" + tri.orientation.pitch + "deg) rotateY(" + tri.orientation.yaw + "deg)";},updateCSS: function() {if (tri.non.checked)tri.cssDynamic.innerHTML = "";else if (tri.off.checked)tri.cssDynamic.innerHTML = "* { transform-style: preserve-3d; }";else {for (var depth = 0; document.querySelector("body" + " > *".repeat(depth)); depth++);var gap = tri.gap.value / depth;var sag = -Math.PI * tri.sag.value / depth;tri.cssDynamic.innerHTML = `* {transform: translateZ(${gap}px) rotateX(${sag}rad);transform-style: preserve-3d;transition: transform 1s;outline: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.0625);${tri.flo.checked ? 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but tf u on the web with a VR Headset on for???(if ur on pc and don’t have a VR headset on do not use this mainly because if you use this it’s just gonna point to a random position on screen)


they made modd.io in VR???


nope but this works with moddio


what it does ??? i dont see the point


the only point is fun lol, it just makes it a way u can view the webpage with a 3D but at the same time 2D screen that moves according to ur mouse… or ur headset… or ur phone, it’s not anything important to making games because why not just have fun doing what u love to do :wink:


I wish if I had a VR headset and I would be using your scripts to traverse through the world of modd.io games…


u don’t need one, u just need either a laptop or phone. it’s compatible with any portable device lol


show us a video xdddddddddddddd