I have fixed this bookmarklet to calibrate with only mouse so you can use it with worry
javascript:(function () {
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menu: document.createElement("div"),
limit: document.createElement("input"),
gap: document.createElement("input"),
sag: document.createElement("input"),
fov: document.createElement("input"),
flo: document.createElement("input"),
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non: document.createElement("input"),
end: document.createElement("input"),
tgl: document.createElement("input"),
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cssDynamic: document.createElement("style"),
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tri.updateBody(); },
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updateCSS: function () {
if (tri.non.checked) tri.cssDynamic.innerHTML = "";
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var gap = tri.gap.value / depth;
var sag = -Math.PI * tri.sag.value / depth; tri.cssDynamic.innerHTML = `* {transform: translateZ(${gap}px) rotateX(${sag}rad);transform-style: preserve-3d;transition: transform 1s;outline: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.0625);${tri.flo.checked ? "overflow: visible !important;" : ""}}*:hover {transform: translateZ(${gap * 2}px) rotateX(${sag * 2}rad);${!tri.flo.checked ? "overflow: visible;" : ""}}`; } },
toggle: function() { if (tri.menu.className == "active") {
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quit: function () {
window.removeEventListener("deviceorientation", tri.gyroMove);
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document.body.removeAttribute("style"); },
newRange: function (e, label, min, step, max, value, f) {
tri.menu.appendChild(e); e.type = "range";
e.min = min; e.max = max;
e.step = step;
e.value = value;
e.addEventListener("input", f);
tri.menu.appendChild(document.createElement("span")).innerHTML = label;
newCheckbox: function (e, label, f) {
tri.menu.appendChild(e); e.type = "checkbox";
e.addEventListener("click", f);
tri.menu.appendChild(document.createElement("span")).innerHTML = label;
newButton: function (e, label, f) {
e.type = "button";
e.value = label;
e.addEventListener("click", f);
init: function () {
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tri.newRange(tri.limit, "limit", 0, 0.03125, 1, 0.125, tri.updateBody);
tri.newRange(tri.gap, "gap / distance", 0, 32, 512, 128, function () { tri.updateCSS();
tri.newRange(tri.sag, "sag", -0.25, 0.03125, 0.25, 0, tri.updateCSS);
tri.newRange(tri.fov, "field of view", 7, 1, 13, 10, tri.updateBody);
tri.newCheckbox(tri.flo, "force overflow", tri.updateCSS);
tri.flo.setAttribute("checked", "");
tri.newCheckbox(tri.off, "flatten layers", tri.updateCSS);
tri.newCheckbox(tri.non, "flatten everything", tri.updateCSS);
tri.newButton(tri.end, "Quit", tri.quit);
tri.newButton(tri.tgl, "≡", tri.toggle);
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tri.menu.appendChild(tri.cssStatic).innerHTML = `html, body {transition-property: none;height: 100%;width: 100%;}html, html:hover, #tri-menu, #tri-menu > *, #tri-menu > *:hover {transform: none;outline: none;overflow: auto !important;float: none;}#tri-menu {position: fixed;top: 0;left: 0;background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);color: white;border: 1px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5);;border-radius: 0 0 16px 0;padding: 8px;transform: translate(-100%, -100%) translate(32px, 32px);}#tri-menu.active {transform: none;}#tri-toggle {position: absolute;bottom: 0;right: 0;height: 32px;width: 32px;background: transparent;color: white;border: none;cursor: pointer;}#tri-menu.active > #tri-toggle {background: white;color: black;border-radius: 8px 0 0 0;}%60;tri.menu.appendChild(tri.cssDynamic);tri.updateCSS();window.addEventListener("deviceorientation", tri.gyroMove);window.addEventListener("mousemove", tri.mouseMove);window.addEventListener("scroll", tri.updateOrigin);window.addEventListener("resize", tri.updateOrigin);window.scrollBy(0, 1);}};tri.init();})();`;
Highlight all of this, and drag it to your bookmark bar