What everything is here

  1. Numbered list
  • Bulleted List

This is a summary

And then I blurred this text!

Do you like me

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

That was a poll

Finally, This Is Formatted Text!

And then this is a reply with bold text!
That actually represents 2 things in one, get ready for Italic Text

This was a Blockquote
Random link i had

I had to quote it because it’s part of the forums
Emoji :slight_smile:
And I just made this text smaller!
I made it big!


Actually, I want yu to quote full post on this reply
Because I love you and I love everyone in the forums. Well this text is too small to see, so you have to full quote this if you are smart enough to do so. It’s just for fun though. Love you <3


Said post can’t be empty but I still love you. :heart: Oh wow, Grammarly Premium :open_mouth: (yes I have Grammarly installed)
Here comes the edit!


I like quoting. CHEF PEE PEE!

Have you tried hitting the :heart: button?


hello![quote=“EdwardR_FUGY, post:1, topic:3651, full:true”]

  1. Numbered list
  • Bulleted List

This is a summary

And then I blurred this text!

Do you like me

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

That was a poll

Finally, This Is Formatted Text!

Sml[quote="EdwardR_FUGY, post:1, topic:3651, full:true"]
1. Numbered list

* Bulleted List
This is a summary
[spoiler]And then I blurred this text![/spoiler]
Do you like me
[poll type=regular results=always chartType=bar]
* Yes
* No
That was a poll

Finally, This Is Formatted Text!

Piece of pizza[quote=“EdwardR_FUGY, post:1, topic:3651, full:true”]

  1. Numbered list
  • Bulleted List

This is a summary

And then I blurred this text!

Do you like me

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

That was a poll

Finally, This Is Formatted Text!

Where'd you get that mask?