What Happened To @_580k

Can’t Explain that, but im talking about the old one


…? This is my first post to check in here after a while…?

Yea, I’m Talking About What Happened to Original 580k

suspended on Modd.io forums.

and now i think 580k has been fused with asgadaf

im not sure about it though, just my guess with no confirmation

my alt named enviro 300 got suspended

I don’t think if it is actually true…

That Is So Sad :frowning:

I Miss His Og

What’s the difference between Original _580k and revived 580k? Are they not the same person?

Don’t really Know? Maybe Revived is like a nice-behaving person?

guys enviro 300 got suspended

I Looked At His Profile.
It Doesn’t say this user is banned

I am still technically 580k but I basically stopped doing my behaviors as I did before. I don’t know why did I do this but it was maybe for teaching them a lesson? The world doesn’t actually revolve around me. I moved on from doing these things…

bruh i am banned you know?

Strange… Do you have any Proofs Regarding Ur Ban?



i see proof now right

teaching them, who’s them?

guys look at enviro 300’s user card background