When a unit is bought, The player changes into that unit

I need to figure this out because it won’t work in my clicker game.


bruh just go in scripts then create a new script called switch unit after that set the trigger of that script to when a player purchases a unit then make a script line that says change ( triggering unit ) 's unit type to Unit if that doesnt work try change ( ability casting unit ) 's unit type to Unit

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What do I do for multiple units

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make multiple scripts duh

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it happens for all so u dont have to worry

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you do have to worry its necisary to worry be scared is scarry rag dev is lie

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what r u talking about have u even made a unit store

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yes i just made one today for my game to switch between my units as owner

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bruh ur doing too much u litterally only have to make one script

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ya ya it it one script it opens 1 shop dummy

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bruh let me show u wat im talkin about

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Screenshot 2021-06-08 6.06.14 PM

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and also if they wanna do it for 1 specific unit they just do this
Screenshot 2021-06-08 6.08.06 PM

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yes I know numb skell

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Rag dev does not lie he is Very trustworthy

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bruh i dint say he was lie i said i knew how to do it so now you a numb skull

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hey im just answering what you said you said this near the top of the message “you do have to worry its necisary to worry be scared is scarry rag dev is lie” word for word its like the six comment near the top

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XD gee arvey lol
pixilart-drawing (6)

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look at what i drew
pixilart-drawing (8)

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look at what i drew XD

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