Who wanna see my tier 1 game that cas save?

Who wanna see my tier 1 game that cas save???

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how. how did you do it?

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Well y hate tier 1 y I only like tier 2 or 3

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i wanna use the save for my maze game

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ITs hard xDDD whats ur mae game about!! I want to see it!

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the map is 199x199 so i still making the maze. it is a pvp arena type thing but i want it to be so large that there is always a goal. i want like several hundred items and the save will make the game even better because that way the player does not lose items every time they leave.

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Hey yoooo. Can I use it for my game. It is called Lost. It is a game inspired by Rust.

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Let me seee the game And I will Check if its good ok!

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hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm maybeee ok!

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Here, I will send u the link @mommmm

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I will do the data thingy later im making an fighting game rn and an too many cooks remake!

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you wont need to add it to my game for a while as i am still making the map. but could you add it to elemental fighters? it would make my game better.

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sure why not!!! BUt u need to do some favor for me like just do scripts for me cause me lazy lmfao

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sure what kind and where

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oops i forgot that you cant see the scripts for elemntal fighters. i changed that

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Okie! Im in calssss rn im so busy asf rn xDDDD

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ok just saw this message. thatws fine

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Make meh contrubitor or suffer death

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ok i will just hold on please dont hang on to what you kill me with

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