Why not to trust jungcookies(thought i could)

I don’t know if i made it clear or not but i made this game called tribal island and it was fun i edited some of the characters myself and i did most of it myself only had help from a friend or two.But then i met jung cookies he seemed like a cool dude but i found jung cookies is a precariously ill-bred twit and a maniacal maliciously malodorous mediocrity-afflicted neophyte with glacially slow cognitive faculties. But as i was saying i met him and he offered to help me so i accepted and it was a time around when i went camping and when i got back my whole game was destroyed and his reason was that i copied his game even tho i didn’t copy any ones game and it didn’t even look like his game and he also claims that my game looked like his game called starve.io(the idiot didn’t even make that game someone else made it) but my style i used was different.

soo my point is don trust jung cookies because his chromosomes are so low he and a potato look alike.

also jung cookies If stupidity ever becomes valuable, people would be fighting over you!

ha ha thats very mean

its true. he claims he made starve.io even tho he didn’t then turned one of the games i spent almost a month on into a among us meme.

my months work all gone in a couple of minutes and turned into a meme because he was a idiot

dam rip and jung barely knows how to script on moddio so i dont believe he knos how to script a full text and image game because moddio is very simple coding (if ur not doing JSON)