Youtuber Simulator 2(Early Access) send ur YT vids here pls and enjoy the game its pretty fun AND IM A REALLY GOOD GAME MAKER NOW IF U WANT U CAN HIRE ME TO HELP SCRIPT AND STUFF ENJOY XD

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THis is not published

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o i deleted it people dont like it for some reason ;-;

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i see ur back to forums i had to backup for u while u were gone

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im good at make games too :V

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And im youtuber lol,i stop make vids but i return again later

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if i can loooooooolz

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dude i changed yt sim 2 to hammer justice tbh

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XD dang such a old forum topic LOL

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ultra old lolllllllzzzzzzzzz

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You were gone for 1-2 years?

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just kidding

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Just asking, cuz’ it’s not exactly normal for a person to come back after 356-712 days…

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and ur online here,later of much time

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I know… guess I have nothing to do.

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but this is not a super online platform,so,it not all time this platform is with people

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